New PMP Law FAQs

Continuing the efforts to combat the opioid epidemic in South Carolina, the Governor signed H.3728 into law on May 16, 2019, with an effective date of January 1, 2021. Highlights from this law are listed below, and more information on the e-prescribing and opioid antidote administration reporting requirements are contained on this page.

  • Healthcare facilities are required to report opioid antidote administrations to DHEC in accordance with Section 44-130-80.
  • First responders are required to report opioid antidote administrations to DHEC in accordance with Section 44-130-60.
  • DHEC is required to establish and maintain a program to monitor the administering of opioid antidotes pursuant to Sections 44-130-60 and 44-130-80.
  • Practitioners are required to review a patient’s controlled substance prescription history and opioid antidote administration history, pursuant to Section 44-130-60 or 44-130-80, before issuing a prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance in accordance with Section 44-53-1645(A).
  • Electronic prescription requirements for dispensing are clarified in Section 44-53-360(a), (b), and (d).
  • Practitioners are required to electronically prescribe controlled substances in Schedules II, III, IV, and V in accordance with Section 44-53-360(j).


Drug Control Facilities Health Prescription Monitoring Register Veterinarians