Upstate CARE Panel Meeting - April 28, 2021


Wednesday, April 28, 2021
9:00 a.m.


Virtual Meeting

The proceedings will be available to the public via audio using the call-in information below:

Event Details

Upstate COVID-19 Regional Community Assessment Review and Equity (CARE) Panel

Virtual Boarding Meeting

April 28, 2021

Call to Order – 9:00am, Virtual Teams Meeting

  1. Welcome by Chairperson, Sue Veer
  2. Open Discussion
  3. Recommendations
  4. Adjournment

Note: The next scheduled meeting will be determined at this meeting. In an effort to practice physical
distancing, the proceedings will be available to the public via audio using the following call-in
information: 1 864-558-7311, Phone Conference ID: 389 060 620#.